Tell Tales | Tell Tales for Dinghy Shrouds and Sails
Tell tales are regularly used by sailors in order to tell the wind direction in case the mast burgee is obscured. If you’re unable to see the indicator or burgee on the mast, these tell tales will give you a clear indication of wind direction and general speed. Secured either around the shrouds or onto sails, our range of tell tales are built to withstand all environments and can be securely fastened or stuck on to ensure they stay in place throughout your race or journey. Available in a range of colours, shapes and fastenings, these tell tales from Coast Water Sports are the ideal choice if you’re looking to replace outdated versions or start your journey as a sailor on a racing dinghy. From beginners to the very best professionals, these tell tales are a must have as they will always come in handy, you may never know when you need them and it’s always better to have than to want.
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Available from the very best manufacturers, including Holt, Rooster and RWO, these tell tales for dinghy shrouds and sails are the best choice around. Choose from a pair of shroud tell tales or pick your choice of tell tales in packs of 6, with a number of colours to choose from. What’s great about these tell tales is that you can see what exactly is happening with the wind as it goes over the luff of the sail. If you were without these vital pieces of kit, it may cause the sail to luff and would slow you down, but with these attached you can react quickly to ensure you stay on the right track. A an absolute must for any professional or racing dinghy, a tell tale can mean the difference between first and second. By being able to read these tell tales and their movement, you can adjust your sails immediately to be able to benefit or correct yourself.
Easy to fit and a great addition to any dinghy, it’s important for letting you know what the wind is doing across the sail, helping you to help with sail trim and sail setting. Browse our range today and get in touch if you have any questions about tell tales, we’re more than happy to help.
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